WakeUP Vol. 4: Kasha Rokshana "The Great Passing"

3 years ago

Video 4 of the WakeUP series of showcasing the various talents, and works of others.

Original video is from the SoulFullHeart Experience Channel.

Sound, and video editing done by InfiniteEight.


"The theme of “death and rebirth” continues to play out at this time on Gaia, though with much more “death” being faced than “rebirth” in many ways at this time. In this audio blog, SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator, Kasha Rokshana, shares what she has been offered by Divine Mother about this time of the ‘Great Passing’ when many people and animals are passing away and ways of life are turning over too.

This is a message about the solemn reality in the world today, yet offered with love too and a reminder that all of this has a greater purpose and is held with immense Divine love and support, always".

Original blog: https://soulfullheartblog.com/2022/01...

For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen’s latest book Free To Be 5D, videos, and events, visit https://www.soulfullheart.org.

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