George Carlin's words were NOT an act. Every word was and is TRUE! Listen:

3 years ago

So, George Carlin was just a comedian, right? Nope - his words are prophetic and reach out from the grave and are true today. - The "Elite" = The Cabal =The Khazarian Mafia = The Deep State = the illuminati = The Freemasons = Luciferian Satinists.

Everything he says in this video is 100% true. It hurts to admit it, but the truth is always the truth, even if you don't like it.

All of them are in control and have been for generations.

That is coming to an end, but don't be complacent.

Deny and stand up and never wear a mask or get a shot. The "jab" is a bio weapon filled with evil things designed to kill you.

It's time to be heard and with numbers on our side - people who are now seeing the damage and lies for what they are doing around the country and the worse part of it is the Main Street Media are bought and paid for and spewing their lies and fake news.

That is coming to an end shortly.

Buckle up - the ride is going to be Biblical, but it is the only way to free ourselves from these monsters of the Deep State

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