Canadian Dumbocracy

3 years ago

Short Rant against Trudeau, the facts are Canada is not a Sovereign Nation, but property of the Crown & the PM does not in any way represent the will or rights of Canadians but rather swears his oath to the Crown of the the British Commonwealth & the Queen of England.

Trudeau also worships at the alter of Globalism & Neo-Nazi Klaus Schwab of the WEF who has admittedly infiltrated the democratic governments of the free world & penetrated the cabinets of governments across the world.

thus it is our Boy King who has had an occupation against the peoples government & circumvented our democratic process & it is he who holds unacceptable views & is taking up space while looting the public purse and intentionally causing irreparable social, medical & economic damage to then sell their "Great Reset" as the only path forward.

an animated glimpse of the 2030 future with "fagman".

when you will have nothing, own nothing & be happy surfs of the corporate technocracy.

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