Mass Psychosis in America

3 years ago

Why do you think that the Thirteen Families who own and control this world invested so much time and money over the past 100 years in the study of human behaviorism? Once they seized control of our nation's monetary system in 1913, and became our Money Masters, they knew that they must also seize control of the public's mind in order to build their New World Order, their multi-generational plan to destroy America and eradicate most of humanity, and then herd those who survive that cleverly-disguised mass extermination into the Technocratic feedlot they are now calling the Great Reset. It's really sad to see this all happening, but unfortunately history proves that the masses have never thirsted for truth, and never seem to understand when sophisticated psychological warfare techniques (PSYWAR) techniques like Mass Formation are being used against them by those in power. Once the masses have been seduced by the controlled mainstream propaganda media into a state of Mass Delusional Psychosis, other well known psychological phenomena are already at work to ensure that they remain in that State of Mind.

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