River Is Born In Desert - Prophecy Fulfillment?

2 years ago

Footage collected a while ago of a dry riverbed spring back to life after centuries in the Negev Desert of Israel, near the Ramon Crater. The Prophet Isaiah said this in Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

This site is in the region referred in scripture as Beersheba, which means "Well of Seven." Abraham called the place Beersheba because it was there that he entered a covenant agreement for a well of water for posterity and marked the event by offering seven lambs.

Years later, Philistines buried the well because it was dry but Abraham's son, Isaac, came to reclaim the well and water began to flow for him again. The Philistines wanted the well for themselves once water sprang up for Isaac so they took it and Isaac moved a short distance down and claimed another spot in which a well sprang up. Each time Isaac allowed the Philistines to take possession of a well, those wells ran dry so Isaac repeated this 3 times until the Philistines gave up. They obviously came to realize that the water wouldn't flow for them, but only for Abraham's Seed.

With that context in mind, what does it say that water is flowing in this ancient spot again? Sporatic or not.. does it portend that the rightful heirs are coming back to the region?! I have a complete study of this of which I've spent weeks and weeks researching scripture, the region, interviewing locals, geologists, and examining prophecy. I'll soon be posting to my locals.

More videos coming!!! #ExplainThis

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