Abraham Hicks ,Esther Hicks "The harder the better?"

3 years ago

Hello everyone, welcome to the wobble free zone. The recording on this video was done Caribbean Cruise 2015.In this video Abraham describe what it means to take the "path of least resistance" in comparison to working harder digging in. We must let go of resistance a little more everyday so that we can come into alignment with our inner being, and reap the benefits of clarity and all manner of fulfillment. For further information on this video please visit "www. Abraham-hicks.com " and if you would like me to continue to share this life altering, life changing information with you, please like subscribe and hit the notification bell, so that you never miss a video! #manifest #wobblefreezone #abrahamhicks #estherhicks #source #vortex #youarethecreatorofyourreality #divinetiming


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Video footage:🎥 🎥🎥 🎥
George Morina from Pexels
Yogendra Singh from Pexels
Ruvim Miksanskiy from Pexels
Lukas Rodriguez from Pexels

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