Another Way, Spiritual Songs, Freestyle take 1

3 years ago

Unless you can find a way out
Unless you can get out of your own mind, and find the time
If you can only just find a way out
If I can just stand before you, and see your face
I am in this darkened world, it’s such a darkened place
I see what’s taken place, You know I don’t want to be in this place
You know I don’t want these ways, You know I don’t want to slave away
You know I don’t want those ways I don’t want those ways no, no,
Oh, I want to be free, Oh I just want to be set free, Oh I want to be free, I want to be set free
Oh, can You help me Father, I know You sent Your Son
And He’s the only One, He’s the only One, He’s the only One.
He’s the One who come into my life
He is the One who saved me, from the darkest night.
Oh, I just walked in a dark place
In a world full of unrest
and I will find my rest in You.
Each and every day I don’t even like to sleep
Oh, I don’t even want to close my eyes, no
Because it’s the world is always trying to get me
And it’s always trying to break me down inside
I got to be a vigilant
Like a vigilante I got to stand up strong
In a whole world that’s going down I’m rising above
Because I don’t walk in myself
And I don’t walk alone
I fly by the shadow of His wings
Oh, I want to save them
Oh, I want to say amen
Oh, I want to be free
I received my sight and I now see
There is nothing for me down here but tears
But there’s not anything I fear
Because I only fear the One above
The One who sent down His Son
I only fear that One
Because He holds my soul
Its in the palm of His hand
I’m looking up to His plan
I’m looking for His ways
And I want to see a new way
well there been traps that they been laying
because it’s just all games they been playing
And instead of being on their knees praying they been preying
its traps the laying
Oh, they been games them playing
But there’s a new way I’m saying, a new way I’m saying, a new way I am saying
Look to the son to the risen one
to the One who did come, to the saving Son
to the One who did come, and in Him you have won
in Him you overcome, in Him you overcome
So receive your sight and in the night
He will be your light, and He will be your fight, and He will be your might
and each and every day through them ways that they weight they be games that they play
So look to the Son to the risen One
and He will be your light in the darkest night
and He will be one and He will be one, in that Son in that Son
So look to the Son to the risen One
to the One who did come, to the One who did come
to the One who did won
In Him you overcome, so look to that Son, look to that Son
Oh, look to the Son
oh, look to the Son

Spiritual songs to the Lord.
new demo: take one.
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