Baptism Pre Constantine I

2 years ago

I. Review 311/ 325 respectively

II. Follow the trajectory of the Catechism, 2nd edition

III. Some complain that the Catechism is hard to understand and follow. If one approaches it as an encyclopedia such as the Baltimore Catechism, then confusion will follow. However, if one approaches the Catechism as a Narratio, a proper telling of the story of God and creation (unseen & seen) then one sees the why of the what .

The first sentence of the Catechism sets the theme of the entire text, #1 “God infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life.” How this drama unfolds is told in Scriptures, Tradition, the martyrs and saints, and the Catechism. All these viewpoints help one to correctly understand the economy of salvation.

Economy of salvation = how the plan unfolds, sacramental because it is rooted in physical matter/world

Sacramentality, sheer goodness, more necessary tangible reality, knowable with senses unknown territory meta verse, non-real expansions within the brain

The Portable Hannah Arendt, Penguin Classics, edited with an introduction by Peter Baehr, pg 104-105

Imagination 100% exploited

Sacraments anchor keep human, human

Use of sacramentals by the separated brethren: salt, oil, impartation into objects of loved ones, physicality in some sectors of conscientious

Must be an anchor. Unfortunate reality, lay people do not have grace from Lord to infuse blessedness into an object.
Given to priestly, apostolic, apostles, physical touch. Apostles were touched by Christ. Not a superficial addition.

Hands, grace imparted by touch, cannot discard without peril

Once bishops permitted engage in Mass without physical present, bodies same place as sacrifice, begun to take large hammer to sacramentality

Waterless baptisms next?

Human body exploited to a certain level before it cannot endure, imagination no limit to our own peril

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