💥💥 The Ukraine - 9/11 Treasonous Connections 💥💥

2 years ago

💥 #Ukraine leads to 9/11 & even much older #treasonous acts.

Ukraine is going to be the thread that unravels the entire shit-show!

💥 The same demonic, #traitorous shadow figures that were involved in orchestrating #911, were involved in #TheIranContra - #DrugsforArms, the #PanAmFlight103 Heroin, The #Kennedy #assassination & much more!

💥 #CoferBlack served on the board of #Burisma, the same #Ukrainian gas company as #HunterBiden that was being investigated for #corruption.

💥 Black, Director of CIA / George W #Bush's Counterterrorist Center 1999 -2002 & Vice Chairman of #Blackwater & #MittRomney campaign advisor

💥 Coffer Black is Vice President of #weapons defense contracting company #Raytheon #Blackbird Technologies. The same one that former #SecDef #MarkEsper was VP of government relations on

🔥🔥 #PresidentTrump : "I caught the #swamp. I caught them all! Nobody else could have done that but me!"

Nobody else could have done that, cuz they put their bought & paid for #puppets in office!

Trump wasn't bought

"Let's see what happens"


> Credit Dave Hodges Show
> Source- vdarknessfalls


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