There's no war..yet..Squabble has been over for 2 days..Nothing Major(4of3).

3 years ago

The stage has been set for the war of Good vs Evil, Globalist nazi UN scumbags vs Human beings they view as livestock or slaves, corporatism vs natural way of life through small government with limited power and tons of oversight.

You can call a type of government anything you want and have people say whatever they want about it.. or even have a CG animated algorhythm controlled feed of whatever planes they want you to see where and webcams playing anything they want esp since nVidia invented tech years ago than can insert anything into a live satellite or internet feed the globalists wish before the first person sees the first instant... but it still doesn't spin bullshit into anything, so I just call it like it is. And some of my sources would have feds kicking in my door should I mention how I learned the war isnt even happening yet and theres still time to educate to prevent it since the small skirmish ended 48 hours plus a half day prior to this stream 100% for sure and both leaders said they want only peace yet American MSM and alt media wont play any of it..

Globalist bad actors are trying to turn what is simply a distraction here into more than just helping non-Nazi conformists get to a nation that has a policy of keeping out globalists. Putin would get a Nobel if the west weren't run by a bunch of bad actors trying to keep humanity under their thumb for the speech he gave that no one in west hears about. Its become a battle of globalists vs the average person with a disguise that harms everyone if no one knows. And the best idea to come from war was a cartoon quote from GI Joe: Knowing is half the battle!

We have the power to prevent the war by spreading the knowledge of these bad actors who treat everyone equally... as objects and slaves of no importance and lie to us and try to make us believe its for our own good. Well, regardless of location, chances are if youre watching this youre already classified as a terrorist by Dept of Homeland Security anyway...

And from now on, aside from finding my streams on Twitch as Corbyzer0, my name on LinkedIn, and
You can just goto my site at
(*/\*) (*/\*)
to check out the current stream and I will likely have the previous ones from now on archived in case you missed it and they kill it on here or YT.


Putins speech translated and sourced by the great Andreas Xirtus:

Crypto Alchemist:

His twitter feed featuring video shown:

Quotes regarding both sides of Ukraine obtained by myself. More sourcing as I decide what else I will include in this as time passes.

My Russian source, the scientist trained by Alexander Mishin (a Tesla protoge), has a shop selling popular inventions in Russia for healing and wellbeing ran by his wife:

Andreas Xirtus channel -

And the following are the sources i expanded upon before but only touched on in recap in this stream:

Dark Journalist channel -

Russia Bullish on BTC & Other Crypto-

Jeffrey Daugherty on Trucker Strike Origins and Ties to Ukraine-

Canadian Civilian Intelligence Network -

Russian news and other glanced upon sources backing my words-

Original Canadian Article Linking Honkening to Burisma Holdings-

Washington Times article of note-

Trudeau Seizes Bitcoin From Truckers-

New sources include Dr Paul Cottrell, who can be found on Rumble and Brighteon. -

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