Tablet Talks 6-1

3 years ago

Welcome to Episode Sexy SiX of Tablet Talks with Tehuti!

Why is this Sixth Episode so Sexy?

Because in this episode, we're decolonizing, decoding, and deciphering "The Secret Key to the Emerald Tablets: Revealed by Thoth the Atlantean with his Divine Counterpart" written by Rebecca Marina Messenger.

This is the first text that claims to be not only a transmission/translation of my mind/words, but of my Divine Counterpart Seshat as well-

Six is the combination of masculine and feminine internally (alone)

Sex is the combination of masculine and feminine externally (all-one)

It's only natural that spirits who identify more with one side of the spectrum to harmonize with spirits who identify with the other. Life is only created when two opposite and harmonies energies combine.

Seshat is my opposite and harmonious partner.

My Cosmic Collaborator

So strap in for a very Relationship-Oriented episode of Tablet Talks, and if you want to watch the full breakdown, hop on over to and subscribe to The Tablet Talks Plan. ;)

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