I Remember

11 years ago

Directed/Written/Shot by Tom Antos http://tomantosfilms.com/?p=3455

What are memories? An idea explored in this film titled "I Remember".

Annie Vaca
David Torres
Millie Torres
Diego Antos
Lukasz Antos
Alana Antos
Denise Antos Pacheco
Sulvey Vaca

Music by George Shaw http://www.georgeshawmusic.com

Shot on the Canon 7D & Lensbaby Double Glass Optic

Get $100 off the Lensbaby Pro Effects Kit with the promo code: TomAntos100 At http://lensbaby.com/pro-effects-kit

Get all the Lensbaby optics on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1o0ReLl

"Look at the past.
A fleeing collection of moments that stick around in your head.
Moments of joy and of pain.
Of dullness and excitement.
Of light and dark.

But why?
Why those moments and not others?

They're all just emotions.

Child doesn't remember the latest gadget.
Or how expensive their clothes where.
They remember the emotions.

Fun moments as father plays with them.
The bliss of a mother's compliment.

Just as they remember anger over financial struggle.

Just feelings.

Memories are moments where true emotion is born.

Love and hate.
Light and dark.

I remember."

Written by Tom Antos

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