God is good all the time 449: Foolishness causes Division in God's Church

3 years ago

Those that speak foolishness as God's mouth pieces and prophets of this new age or hear God speaking to them new truth of the scriptures are the cause of DIVISION in the body of God's Church. They speak as one with authority and the speck as fools that have no grounding in the knowledge of scripture or knowledge of the works of Jesus and His teachings! Yet many will come to them because what they say sound good to the ears of some who are not discerning or who don't know the truth of God's Son. This is the thing that the devil desires most and are the things we are told to beware of because many will lose faith because of these people...and a wedge will be driven in the body that will set division and in some cases cause hatred amongst some of those that would be in the body.
What we need to learn is the ways to identify those that are sowing foolishness and division. They need to be seen and ignored because what they are spewing is nonsense and they are seen as being fools in the sight of God's truth. Join me and learn about the division that is here now and learn so that we may not be divided in the Body of God's Church.

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