Florida Audio Expo 2022 Coverage - Best Rooms - Review and Recap Pt 2

3 years ago

In this video, I give my "Best in Show" products/rooms for the Florida Audio Expo 2022. I was able to see each room at least once, but anytime people give awards for the "best", you have to caveat that with the fact that everyone's exposure is limited.

However, I have 20+ years experience going to the shows and know when things stand out from among the pack. This show had a very high average quality with only 1 room being poor in my opinion (distortion and other issues). Almost every other room was pleasant to listen to and could have a high ceiling in an optimal environment which is rare to see at audio shows.

My prior video highlighted the biggest surprises at the show and that should be watched in conjunction with this video to get a complete picture of the best performing audio gear at the show.

Detailed videos on each of these rooms are available in the Florida Audio Show Playlist I created.

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