Ham & Cheese Omelet - Recipe - The Hillbilly Kitchen

9 years ago

Believe it or not, sometimes Bret gets tired of my sausage biscuits or bacon and eggs and he wants something different for breakfast. That's when I surprise him a ham and cheese omelet.

I like to spice things up a bit though, just so it's not boring, so I add green bell peppers and onions to his omelet. I learned this from my granny. She always had excess garden vegetables and she put them in her omelets and they were delicious.


3 - eggs
2 - slices cheese
1/3 - bell pepper
1 - small onion
1/2 cup - diced ham
Salt & pepper

The Hillbilly Kitchen Teespring Store – Tees, Hoodies, Mugs, Bags and more - https://teespring.com/stores/the-hillbilly-kitchen
The Hillbilly Kitchen Verses and Vittles: Down Home Country Cooking - https://www.amazon.com/Hillbilly-Kitchen-Verses-Vittles-Country/dp/1671288971
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P.O. Box 243
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