Scrap wood bee hives and a BEE Update!

9 years ago

Here is a quick update of my bee project where I caught 4 bee swarms this spring and relocated them into 4 DIY scrap wood top bar bee hives. The hives are a bit junky and I'm still very new to beekeeping but so far the bees seem like they are doing well and growing!
I've made a LOT of mistakes as you'll see, but my main goal was to see if I could get into beekeeping on the cheap.. and I mean cheap! Currently, my only direct expense has been a smoker... I'm borrowing my suit from my wife uncle and the rest has been salvaged from supplies/materials I had on hand:) Thanks for watching and please let me know if you have any questions... or tips!


Intro music is by my brother in law, Trey Harris and the background music is from Youtube's free music library (Over Time by Vibe Tracks).

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