No such thing as perfection

3 years ago

Part of living in the information age is understanding how to read through what is actual reality versus what is pure imagery and "entertainment." Through social media, photo and video filters, dating apps, Hollywood movies and advertising, we can easily get lost in what to look for in other people, and even more importantly - in ourselves. One of the dangers of giving too much energy and attention to outside sources is that much of these "productions" are made to keep the user in a constant state of comparison and validation seeking. This can be a surefire way to misery and depression with thoughts of never being good enough, strong enough, rich enough, or as happy as the person on the screen. As they say in art and business, comparison kills.

There's nothing wrong with engaging in the digital sphere but for a healthy perspective, we must understand that there is no such thing as "perfection" in ourselves or in others.

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