Honeywell VISTA: Arm Stay Instant, Arm Away Max

9 years ago

Learn how to add additional night and long-term security features with the Arm Stay Instant and Arm Away Max in this video guide.

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The Honeywell VISTA alarm system has a few different options to keep your home secure. While the standard arming options are fine for daily use, you’ll want to use different settings at night or when you’re away from home for an extended period of time. This video tutorial explains how and when you’ll want to use the Arm Stay Instant and Arm Away Max settings.

Most alarm system sensors are based around the opening and closing of entry points. A sensor is placed on a door or window frame while a magnetic device is placed on the door or window itself. When opened, the connection between the sensor and magnet is broken, causing the alarm system to react accordingly.

Typically, a delay is set on the alarm. So if the connection is broken, the system will wait a designated period of time before making noise and/or contacting the monitoring service. The delay lets you cross the room to the control panel, enter the Master Code into the keypad and stop the system from taking action.

Depending on the system, the delay can be set anywhere between 30 seconds up to four minutes. While you want enough time to comfortably enter or leave the house, too much extra time can pose a security risk.

But you don’t always want a delay on the alarm. There are several situations where anyone who attempts to enter the house will only be an intruder. Two of the most common situations are nighttime and vacation periods.

A delay period is often unnecessary for most of the night. After all, the entire household is asleep at home. No one should be entering the house. The Arm Stay Instant setting removes the delay from all exterior sensors. Any breach of an exterior door or window results in an immediate notification to the monitoring company and an audible alarm.

To activate Arm Stay Instant mode you first need to enter your Master Code. The default Master Code for the VISTA is 1234 although yours might be different. If you’d like to change your Master Code, check out our separate video guide for more instructions.

After entering your Master Code, you’ll then push button number seven. As the video guide shows, this button also displays the word “Instant.” Your system will remain in Stay mode, but alarms will now be instant.

A delay period is also unnecessary if your family will be out of the house for a full day or longer. The Arm Away Max setting is ideal for protecting an empty house. To activate, enter your Master Code and then press button four, which displays the word “Max.”

Both Arm Stay Instant and Arm Away Max monitor the entryways. Arm Stay Instant doesn’t activate interior sensors such as motion detectors, which means the family can move freely throughout the house. Arm Away Max activates every sensor, even interior motion.

The Honeywell VISTA has a variety of easy-to-implement options which add an extra layer of security at night and other potentially vulnerable times.

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