2 years ago

Bucephalandra, an Endemic Water Plant of Borneo that Becomes the Primadona of aquascape

Bucephalandra is an aquatic plant that has become very popular in recent years and is in great demand by aquascape lovers not only in Indonesia, but also in the world.
This plant called Buce is known as an endemic water plant typical of Kalimantan, so it is often referred to as Buce Kalimantan or Buce Borneo.

Having a very high variety, it is now known that there are 30 species of Buce plants scattered in East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and West Kalimantan.

The 30 different species have various shapes and colors, ranging from green, purple, brown, to dark green. For the shape itself, there are pointed, round, and many more.

Because of the shape of the leaves and their elegant color, this aquatic plant is even the target of hunting for aquascapers around the world.

Interested in various foreign aquaskaper

lINK: https://youtu.be/pdluAGIj8Dc

Lisensi Atribusi Creative Commons

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