Rebirth Island

3 years ago

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Rebirth Island, Остров Возрождения, was an island in the Aral Sea. The former island's territory is split between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In 1954, the Soviet Union constructed a biological weapons test site called Aralsk-7 there and on the neighbouring Komsomolskiy Island, which also no longer exists.

Rebirth Island was once a small island; it was only 77 sq mi in the nineteenth century. However, in the 1960s, the island began to grow in size as the Aral Sea began drying up as the Soviet Union dammed its feeder rivers for agricultural projects.

The shrinkage of the Aral continued and accelerated over time, and the receding waters briefly made Rebirth Island the second-largest fresh water island in the world, at 890 sq mi in the final days of its existence in mid-2001, becoming a peninsula when the South Aral Sea dried up enough that the island joined the mainland.

Upon the disappearance of the Southeast Aral Sea in 2008, Rebirth Island was simply a part of the surrounding land, and by 2014 it was simply a part of the land within the extensive Aralkum Desert.

The former Rebirth Island and its laboratory have subsequently appeared in novels and video games. In Command & Conquer: Generals, the island was under U.S. occupation but was captured by the fictional Global Liberation Army.

The area and its former biological weapons base and laboratories were also featured in a mission in Call of Duty: Black Ops called "Rebirth" but the area in the game has a similar looking map called Alcatraz which is unrelated to Rebirth Island.

Call of Duty Warzone mixes the island's chemical weapon history with a recreation of the San Francisco bay prison Alcatraz for its Rebirth Resurgence mode. Novel The Home Team: Weapons Grade also mentions the site; the book's villains dig up two metric tons of "Anthrax 836" from an impromptu dump site 11 km from the island for use in a terror plot.


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