Top 10 Longest Living Creatures on Earth

8 years ago

Top 10 LONGEST LIVING Creatures on Earth

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10. Geoducks - 0:09
Geoduck are a large saltwater clam that are native to the Puget sound region. They have long siphons or ‘necks’ that can grow up to three feet long that are between 2 halves of their shell. Geoduck are known to live at least 160 years.

9. Tuatara - 0:25
Tuatara are lizard like creatures that are the surviving members of a species that dates back to 200 million years ago. There are only 2 species alive today both are bred in conservation areas in New Zealand and are starting to work their way out into the wild again. Tuatara are among the longest living vertebrates on earth, while their lifespan isn’t exactly known it’s predicted between 100 and 200 years.

8. Lamellibrachia tube worms - 0:51
These deep sea worms look more like ocean plants then a creature. They live along hydrocarbon vents on the ocean floor. They have a lifespan of 170 years old but scientists believe many live up to 250 years old. Not the most menacing creature in the wild then again, you don’t need to be menacing if you don’t look like food for another animal.

7. Red sea urchins - 1:11
Red sea urchins float around the Pacific Ocean seafloor along the west coast of north america. They primarily live in shallow waters up to 270 feet deep and use their spines to tip toe crawl across the ocean floor. Although not the most exciting creature out there they look cool and live upwards of 200 years old. That ain’t nothing to complain about!

6. Bowhead whales - 1:29
Bowhead whales, or Arctic whale are the longest living mammal on earth. Aside from longest lifespan at 200 years the bowhead whale also holds the title of largest mouth of any animal on earth. Before getting environmental protection in 1966 the bowhead whale has highly targeted by fisherman but their numbers have since recovered. There are bowhead whales found today that have ivory spear tips still lodged in their blubber from whalers trying to kill them almost 200 years ago!

5. Koi - 1:58
Koi, a domesticated variety of carp, are synonymous with Japanese gardens. They come in a variety of colors, most notably the bright, saturated yellows and reds. Koi are able to live over 200 years. The oldest living Koi, Hanako, died at a ripe old age of 226 on July 7, 1977.

4. Tortoises - 2:18
Tortoises are the longest living vertebrates on earth, but still not the longest living creatures. The oldest tortoise alive today is Jonathan who lives on an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean called St. Helena. He is 184 years old but Adwaita, an Aldabra giant tortoise, was rumored to be 255 years old when he died in 2006.

3. Ocean quahog - 2:50
The ocean quahog, or hard shell clam may not be the most exciting old timer on this list but with an average lifespan of 400 years definitely deserves the number 3 spot. The concentric rings on a clam shell can be used to tell their age much like the rings of a tree. The oldest clam found to date is “Ming” a 507 year old clam found near Iceland. Researchers at the time didn’t know they were in possession of the world’s oldest clam until they had opened it and did their calculations. Ming would have certainly went on living if it wasn’t for the intervention of scientists but with clams being an industry massively exploited, Ming may have been picked up by a trolling ship.

2. Antarctic sponge - 3:30
The Antarctic Sponge is an incredible slow growing, slow moving sea creature that floats around at the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean absorbing food that comes it’s way. Once a year there is a massive plankton bloom in Antarctic waters, this is the preferred food for the Sponge but can survive off of diffused carbon and goes for periods not consuming much at all. It is estimated the oldest species of Antarctic sponge are 1,550 years old.

1. Turritopsis Nutricula jellyfish - 4:02
The Turritopsis Nutricula Jellyfish is the only creature on earth, that we know of, that doesn’t die. This species of jellyfish can cycle from a mature adult stage of life back to an immature polyp stage and back again. This means eventually, theoretically speaking, the entire ocean will be full of them. As Dr. Maria Miglietta of the Smithsonian Tropical Marine Institute puts it “We are looking at a worldwide silent invasion”.

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