Things You Might Not Have Known about the Covid-19 Vaccines by Maverick Mike

3 years ago

Did you know the ingredients in the covid-19 vaccines?
Did you know that the doctor who might have given you the vaccine doesn’t know either? It’s patented.
Did you know that the average vaccine takes 10-12 years of studies before coming to market?
Did you know that the covid-19 vaccine took only 9 months to come to market?
Did you know that all the cats and ferrets who were vaccinated during trials died?
Did you know that the covid-19 vaccine has MRNA technology?
Did you know that this is the very first time in human history that MRNA has been put in a vaccine?
Did you know there are absolutely zero long term studies on the effects of MRNA vaccines?
Did you know that after the creator of the MRNA, Dr. Robert Malone, warned against injecting your children with the covid-19 vaccines he was censored?
Did you know that thousands of doctors and medical experts who have spoken out to warn people have lost their jobs and/or been silenced?
Did you know that 95% of people who died of covid-19 had co-mobidities like cancer, heart disease?
Did you know that hospitals get $13, 297 more if they label a death a covid-19 death?
Did you know that hospitals get $40, 218 more if they used a respirator?
Did you know that Ivermectin, a drug that is cheap and effective against covid-19, is banned from hospital use?
Did you know that the people who discovered Ivermectin, William Campbell and Satoshi Omura, won the 2015 Nobel Prize for it?
Did you know Ivermectin is on the Wolrd Health Organization’s list of essential medicines?
Did you know there’s an unprecedented spike in children getting heart attacks?
Did you know these children who got heart attacks were covid-19 vaccinated?
Did you know that there’s a 256% higher chance of a heart attack amongst covid-19 vaccinated adults versus the unvaccinated?
Did you know that there’s a government vaccine injury reporting system called VAERS, which stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System?
Did you know that as of December 2021, VAERS reported 927, 740 covid-19 vaccine injuries or deaths?
Did you know the mainstream media hardly ever talks about vaccine injuries or deaths?
Did you know that mainstream media (Disney, Comcast, Time Warner, and Newscorp, which comprise of 90% of the US media market) and pharmaceutical companies are largely owned by the two largest asset management firms in the world, namely Black Rock and Vanguard?
Did you know that pharmaceutical company executives often get jobs running government agencies like the CDC and the FDA and vice versa?
Did you know that the FDA wants 55 years before releasing Pfizer’s covid-19 trial studies results?
Did you know that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky in September 2021 said what covid vaccines “can’t do anymore is prevent transmission”?
Did you know that when covid vaccines were announced there was no mention of needing boosters every six months?
Did you know that vaccine makers, aka pharmaceutical companies, are the #1 largest lobbying group in Washington DC to the tune of over $263 million last year?
Did you know there are 3 pharmaceutical lobbyists to every member of Congress?
Did you know that politicians often times vote for bills pharmaceutical lobbyist ask them to?
Did you know that when the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine was first available, the CEO of Pfizer refused to take it himself?
Did you know that when the CEO of Pfizer wanted to fly into Israel he was denied entry because he didn’t take his own vaccine?
Did you know that yesterday, Moderna, one of the makers of the covid-19 vaccine, its stock crashed, wiping out $140 billion in value?
Did you know 4 days ago, their CEO, Stephane Bancel, sold 10k shares at $1.8 million?
Did you know that pharmaceutical companies have a history of fraud?
Did you know that the word “pharmacy” is from the Greek word “farmacia”, which means sorcery?
Did you know that even if you have taken the covid-19 vaccine there are ways to mitigate upcoming negative side effects?
Did you know? Did you know? Did you know?

I don’t know what it is. The public doesn’t know either because it’s patented.

I don’t about you, but I get a little suspicious about pharmaceutical companies. Especially when the FDA who licensed Pfizer’s vaccine wanted 55 years to release the data they received upon OKing the vaccine. 55 years? Can’t help but wonder. What are they hiding? If it’s really safe and effective, why don’t you release that data immediately so people can trust Pfizer?

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