Kim Witczak - Selling Sickness. People Before Profits

3 years ago

Today on the Naturally Inspired Podcast Kim Witczak is joining us. Kim Witczak is an international drug safety advocate and speaker with over 25 years professional experience in advertising and marketing communications. She became involved in pharmaceutical drug safety issues after the sudden death of her husband in 2003 due to an undisclosed drug side effect of antidepressants. She was instrumental in helping to get FDA Blackbox suicide warnings added to antidepressants in 2004 and 2006. Kim has taken her personal experience and launched a national public awareness campaign through, a grassroots organization dedicated to make sure the everyday patient perspective is represented in healthcare conversations. Woodymatters put a human face on the real life, sometimes tragic, consequences of our current flawed drug safety system. Kim has been featured in major news media such as Fortune, Readers Digest, Consumer Reports, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Star Tribune as well as subject of numerous local and national television news stories and documentaries. She has testified before US Senate on FDA related issues as well as numerous FDA Advisory Committees. In 2013, Kim co-organized the Selling Sickness: People Before Profits international conference held in Washington, DC bringing academic scholars, healthcare reformers, consumer organizations/advocates and progressive health journalists to develop strategies and solutions challenging the “selling of sickness.” She was appointed Consumer Representative on the FDA Psychopharmacologic Drug Advisory Committee in 2016 and is a board member with several non-profit organizations in the field of drug and patient safety such as, US Patient Safety Network, Re-Check Investigative Health Journalism, and Institute for Scientific Freedom. Learn more about Kim at
Please welcome Kim Witczak to the Naturally Inspired Podcast.

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Kim Witczak Selling Sickness People Before Profits Woody Matters Covid Virus Vaccine Pandemic Mask Mandate Lockdown Natural Health Movement Mindset Minerals Health Freedom Medical Freedom Tammy Cuthbert Garcia Naturally Inspired Podcast

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