What You Didn't Know About Leverage

3 years ago

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So your broker says he's giving you 50:1 leverage. Are you sure? In this video we will discuss what leverage really is and why it's necessary. But also why you need to check what leverage you have on EVERY pair that you trade.

We will write a script and put it on the charts to see what it really takes to place a trade.

Remember to give it a big thumbs up and tell your fellow coder/traders to come watch it as well thanks and Pip Pip #mql4...

Here is a special affiliate link provided to me by tieronetrading. It's to take the free 14 day trial of the platform to see what's inside. It will not provide you full access but enuf to let you know if you want to sign up for a month or more... this is serious stuff. Are you serious about trading for a living? Then take a look there.


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