FEW Spirits Distillery in Evanston, Illinois

8 years ago

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In a world chock-full of mass-produced spirits, only few remain truly handcrafted, and small-batched. (If you’re reading this, you’ve indeed found the finest.) FEW Spirits are a new take on timeless distilling techniques, and transcend the oft-ordinary taste we’ve all grown accustomed to. Distilled from the very best grains, aged to perfection, and bottled under their own roof, FEW remains in their own hands until distribution.

For nearly a century, Evanston, Illinois, the home of the Temperance Movement, was a dry city. In dire need of liquor laws that weren’t penned the same year as the invention of the band-aid, FEW’s master distiller overturned century-old prohibition laws to become Evanston’s first distiller of grain spirits within the city limits. Alas!

Explore the first distillery in the home of the Temperance Movement.

Tours are currently offered on Thursdays at 6pm & Saturdays at 2:00, 3:30, and 5 PM We host Private Tours too.

ADDRESS: 918 Chicago Ave, Evanston, IL 60202

PHONE: 847.920.8628

EMAIL: info@fewspirits.com

The streets that once echoed the voice of Temperance, have a new-found spirit.
Visit the distillery that overturned century-old prohibition laws to bring the finest, most extraordinary small-batched spirits to the most extraordinary few.

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