How To Install Shower Trim Kit - Sistine Stone

3 years ago

Here we are installing the Moen faucet and the trim for the Sistine stone alcove shower kit. Completing the installation of the shower plate and handle. I went ahead and fast-forwarded as much as I could so you can see everything.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 Here the guys are hooking up the Moen shower faucet and measuring for the trim
01:45 Customer is excited and checking in
02:10 Still need to hook the sewer, but looks nice
02:50 Muscles are good when tightening pipes
03:00 You want to have something to hold up the stone trim
03:15 Shower head put on
03:25 Now first piece of stone trim
03:55 Clay shows an easy way to open silicone tubes
04:35 Close up of doing the stone trim
04:55 You can use a regular saw, carefully from the back, to cut the trim
05:23 Make sure you support your trim while it dries
05:56 Want to seal the top of your trim
06:55 May as well seal the corners while you're at it
07:55 Installing the shower cover and faucet
08:22 Screws to hold the shower ring on
08:40 Make sure the notch is in the off position
09:44 Installing the shower handle
11:56 Be an American not an American't

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