Covid Crisis Caused By Humans | Dr Vinay Prasad

2 years ago

Covid Crisis Caused By Humans | Dr Vinay Prasad
Covid Crisis Caused By Humans | dr. Vinay Prasad

Inspirational talk by Dr Vinay Prasad, expressing concern whether or not the Covid19 crisis is caused by humans themselves, rather than by the virus.
Who closed the schools, who made the policy? It wasn't the virus. It was the pandemic response of the media and politicians. So we need to see the crisis for what it is, a self-induced crisis in which we
were blindly following rules and let our emotions be influenced by the sensationalistic and fearmongering media and politics.
Which makes you wonder if the media has the best interest with the people or with other interests, but that is a completely other topic...
Please realize, this crisis is mainly our own fault. Due to our response to the outbreak, but also for not thinking for ourselves anymore.
More and more it becomes clear the narrative has tricked us in complying to the most draconian rules, and we can not blame the virus for that..
It is us....

He has a great channel, you should look him up.

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