WW3 has just begun!! The great bear of Russia is awake and very angry

3 years ago

WW3 is now here and Russia is very angry and war will not end at all! God has had enough with the lukewarm phony church people, the wicked and has had it!! He will use Russia, Iran, China, North Korea to attack America and destroy America!! I have had dreams that missiles came from everywhere and hit so very fast no one had any time to hide or repent because America got hit so very fast and the Chinese came into America and killed everyone they saw!! Like the Babylonians did you Israel they starved the Jews then attacked and killed everyone they saw and took prisoners and same goes for america, God has had it with America and clown Biden and he is just a wicked clown and like king Zedikiah Biden will die to as judgement from God for being wicked!! God has had enough and time is up and over, you can't get ready now the door to get ready is now shut and will stay shut!! The Great I Am will now pour out His fierce anger and judgements on the entire world and everyone left behind will be here for it!! Jesus is about to snatch everyone who is ready out of this world before the tribulation begins and once that happens the entire world goes crazy! Wars break out, people kill each other, the antichrist takes over power and makes a treaty with the Jews, the 7 year tribulation is just around the corner!! Your games are over church people! Your games are over black kill murder! Your games are over gays, lesbians, trans, your games are over Catholics, church of Christ, Mormons, Jehovah witness,Dr, nurses, everyone who worships the antichrist and got the vaccine, God has had it and He will crush everyone who is wicked and will pour out His tribulation judgements!! We are now in the danger zone!!! Russia will attack America and it will be so very fast!! Fallen fallen is Babylon the great and everyone moarn her for she is no more

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