Homily of Hope - The Great Awakening is upon us

3 years ago

The American Empire is ending and that is good. We have reached peak immorality, peak insanity, and peak criminality. The great global health fraud has been exposed. The global elite cabal has come out from behind the curtain so that Americans can see their totalitarianism. Americans have lost all faith in their institutions. They are completely rejecting the establishment parties. They are rejecting cultural Marxism. They are rejecting communism.

The populist revolution is here.
The Great Awakening is upon us.

Old School Counselor (Rev Kev) is the Founder and Pastor of Living a Good Life Church. The views expressed in this video are a reflection of his free exercise of religion.

Living a Good Life Church website: www.livingagoodlifechurch.wordpress.com

Living a Good life Church Inc. is registered as a religious nonprofit corporation in the State of Idaho, and is therefore considered tax-exempt under section 501 (c) 3 (federal recognition pending).

Members of Living a Good life Church do not engage in political activities as part of their official capacity as church members. Members speak for themselves as individuals.

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