3 years ago

Generally speaking, in dogs these sounds that resemble crying are related to conveying the desire for food, water, or attention from their owners.
Dog whimpering is similar to how puppies interact with their mothers; puppies, through whimpering, emit some kind of sound to get their attention.
Adult dogs also emit some sound, and it generally comes from that same sensation. They have learned to emit this sound. After all, it doesn't take long for dogs to understand that there is a direct connection between the moan they emit and the possibility of getting what they want.
Separation anxiety is another serious condition that can cause dogs to whine. When they feel lonely they can spend all day barking. Fortunately, there is a solution to this type of behavior. First, consult with your veterinarian to rule out medical problems (such as pain or cognitive deterioration).
Let's remember that for dogs, the owner is the center of the world, so feelings of sadness will also have an effect on him. In several studies researchers have found that dogs were more likely to approach someone who was crying than someone who kept talking or singing. Furthermore, they came to the conclusion that this type of animal responds to crying with submissive behavior.

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