3 years ago

This poem is about compassion to the people where society has been wiped out and their culture has been ruined by the regime.

Please share this message to friends and family.

Peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious-
That was us before our world was gone.
Every action that we did has been done
Without being afraid and anxious.

As time flew, the good ones were shackled,
Seized, threatened, tortured, and imprisoned.
Yet, the evil minions were chuckled
As good ones were whipped and abandoned.

Trained to be one of minions by force
Weakens, shatters, and destroys their source.
Educational camps are everywhere
But people can be found nowhere.

Isolated, helpless, controlled, trapped
Those are on the dark corner, struggling.
There’s a part of them that is trembling.
Their home, culture and freedom are robbed.

We, from the free world must love and care
Those who are trapped on the dark corner.
Help them not to be minions’ partner.
Thus, let’s share whatever we could share.

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Chelsea Flores is an independent researcher.

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