FHR #023 Slinging Coke & Peeing Blood to Vegan 3x Natural Physique Bodybuilder Champ w/ Monk Coleman

3 years ago

The importance of the freedom trinity of: money, time, location freedom
After dealing drugs and being on the wrong side of life, Monk turned to meditation to transform his life and became a 3x Natural Physique Bodybuilding Champ in his 40’s

Monk is an author, transformational coach, public speaker, personal trainer, and 3x Natural Physique Bodybuilding Champ
Monk tell us about life without his father, his experience and feelings being a fatherless child in a poor neighborhood
Monk’s mother did her best to play a role as his father, although, this role can't be fulfilled and replaced by anybody other
Monk tell us about his infectious relationships with women in his youth
Monk tell us about drugs and how it affected his life
The most default societal addictions are sex, drugs, shopping, eating
Monk tells us that we’ve always gonna have physical movement in our daily life
Monk tells about his struggles and poor health from alcoholism
Then his radical shift to: "How can I help the homeless and serve people?"
Monk tells us that we are here, at this moment, only because of the accumulation of decisions we have made up until this point.
Monk discusses the energy of us as people
We are what we eat.
Reading is very important to Monk and why
Monk discusses his interactions with cops and cocaine. About the day when he decided to put an end to it all
Why we are not “over the hill” at 40!
Everyday routine affects positively on our energetic health
Monk tell us why he prefers the freedom of the choice for his children
Why it’s ridiculous to treat anyone differently based off the color of their skin
Monk explains what freedom means to him

Monk’s Book “Love Over Fear”
Monk’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/monk_eternal/

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