SOULED OUT - S 9: Ep 1

3 years ago

#SOMTV #SouledOutTV #SouledOutPodcast #JoBradley #SouledOutMedia #WeThePeople #TheGreatAwakening #FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedom #Putin #Ukraine #Russia #Biden #Trump #MAGA #SaveAmerica #Vaccines #COVID1984 #WW3 #DarkToLight

SHOW START // 42:05

Here we go again! We're starting up a whole new season today!

Today, we recap the journey so far for Souled Out Media and bring new viewers/listeners up to speed as well as give a bit of an overview of the RokFin news.

Topics include the governor's race here in Wisconsin, the situation in Ukraine, some crazy COVID news, the 2/22/22 gateway, and much more!

Thanks for you continued support!

When you directly support SOMTV / Souled Out Media -- you are contributing to the Pro-Freedom Movement, supporting Free Speech and Open Discussion, supporting Health Freedom, supporting the Truth Movement, and strongly fighting back against Big Tech Censorship!


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