Larabar Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Brownie bar review and taste test

7 years ago

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How do you make a chocolate lover fall even deeper in love? Double the chocolate. That's what we did in our Chocolate Chip Brownie bar, made with Fair Trade Certifiedâ„¢ chocolate chips and cocoa, dates, almonds, walnuts and 4 grams of fiber. Feel the love.

It started out as just a hike, no different than countless others I've taken into the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Little did I know I was about to come up with a mountain of an idea: combine simple ingredients such as fruits and nuts to create a food product that's tasty, wholesome, and convenient.

In that instant, in May 2000, LÄRABAR® was born. After scouring the aisles of grocery stores and noting popular flavors of ice cream and cookies, I delved into my own product development.

A passion for healthy living soon followed, and continues to be a driving force behind everything I do professionally and personally. I really appreciate the opportunity I have to make a positive difference in the world we live in.
Health is indeed your greatest wealth.
Lara, Founder

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