False Evidence

3 years ago

Heart To Heart Listen Up And Change It Up: Fear leads to a dead end. Facts matter and truth is a firm foundation. There is so much false evidence being spewed out with evil intentions pressing it forward. We need to be discerning people, connected heart to heart with God and being navigated by His Holy Spirit. This is a season of life where deception is everywhere in every form. Assumption, Rationalization, Speculations, Presupposition, all being spoken by the voice of mediatic false frenzy. False Evidence Appearing Real is a trap. Appearing, something that appears a certain way does not make it truth. Seek Truth. We are better than this living off of assumption and speculation. Dig deeper, seek the reality of truth and shatter the fake reality that permeates our society, shatter this darkness with the light of God’s truth. How? By being a person of truth, by not associating any form of falsity with our lives. If it is an assumption, we do not accept it as valid, we say no. We patiently endure until God reveals truth and exposes and expunges the deception and the deceiver. Let’s finish well on a foundation of truth as we patiently endure these chaotic cultural times where deception is the loudest roar of our nations, let’s work to trump it with truth. Be active and activated in truth, speaking truly, living truly, loving truth with Christ in us, our hope of glory. Truth wins. Fear dead ends! Truth stands the tests of time, fear-lies fizzle out. Remember this… Walk in God’s truth and be wholly-holy truthful by not speaking anything out of your mouth that “you think you know” but speaking the reality of truth only. Speak the truth you know and shatter the darkness of false evidence appearing real with the Light of God’s truth. STOP! Don’t contribute to the culture of deception that is rapidly growing. Don’t say another word. Don’t speak out of your mouth what you “think you know”… speak TRUTH. No more Fear- F.A.L.S.E. evidence appearing real. Do not accept it, do not repeat it, do not live out of the fear of mediatic false frenzy, live out of God’s truth, being wholly-holy-His.
Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/the-freedom-of-truth/

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