Scotts Turf Builder EdgeGuard Deluxe DLX Broadcast Lawn (for 15,000 sq ft) Spreader Review

7 years ago

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Scotts Turf Builder EdgeGuard Deluxe Broadcast Spreader

Features Scotts exclusive EdgeGuard Technology
Control panel's precision rate settings deliver more accurate coverage
Designed to ensure superior results when used with Scotts lawn food
Holds up to 15,000 sq. ft. of Scotts lawn products
Calibrated and ready to use

Superior Results!
Use the Scotts Turf Builder EdgeGuard DLX Broadcast Spreader to apply grass seed and fertilizer in spring, summer or fall. The large hopper holds up to 15,000 sq. ft. of Scotts Lawn Care Products and is delivered ready to use and pre-calibrated; no assembly required.

Spreaders provide uniform coverage of granular products. Without one, you may end up with uneven coverage of fertilizer or control products that can result in uneven feeding, weed, disease, or insect control. Spreaders can also be used to spread grass seed in your lawn or to distribute ice melt on walkways and driveways.

See product labels for correct spreader settings, usage and application instructions.


More Accurate Coverage
Use the control panel with precision rate settings.

Large-Capacity Hopper
Holds up to 15,000 sq. ft. of Scotts Lawn Products.

Exclusive Scotts EdgeGuard Technology
When engaged it will block off the right side of spreader pattern to prevent product from spreading onto non-lawns areas.

Select the spreader you need based on the area you will be treating. Broadcast spreaders throw products in a 180-degree swath, creating a wide coverage pattern while drop spreaders are more targeted. There are three basic types: Walk-behind, Hand-Held and Drop Spreaders.

Walk-behind Broadcast
Best for areas over 5,000 sq. ft.

Hand-Held Broadcast
Great to treat small areas under 5,000 sq. ft.

Drop Spreader
Perfect for medium-sized areas that need precise application (such as heavily landscaped areas or tight curves).

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