3 years ago

My book is now available on Amazon Kindle in both ebook/Kindle format or in paperback. I utilize Numerology and Astrology along with my years of experience studying these sciences in order to divine where we have come from and where we are going to as a species. We are given specific data at our Birth, in what I describe as our Drop Zone, which is also another title to one of my books. It is these numbers that will never change about us and as nature is made up of vibrational forces as humans are, one can easily determine a LifePath, if you will. This happens to be another book of mine with the same title. This is not necessarily a career, but it is a guide to a path based on our strengths and weaknesses. Trial and error can cost you an entire life pursuing what you should have known at birth. Now you can follow the path of our future and what is to unfold in a very timely manner. Knowledge is Power and, History does repeat itself.

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