Top 10 Weirdest Jobs in History

7 years ago

10. Beast Hunter
The beast hunter is someone who captured large mammals for roman colosseum battles. These beasts were for entertainment shows where gladiators would fight to the death with them or they were trained to do tricks. Bears, lions, tigers, elephants, rhinos, boars, giraffes, hippos, ostriches, zebras and leopards were all captured and brought to the colosseum. The beast hunter was a highly skilled hunter who would have the task of not only facing these animals in the wild but capturing and bringing them in unharmed. This feat wasn’t done by a solo person though, teams of beast hunters would set on on long journeys to find the animals. For capturing the more dangerous animals like lions and tigers, they’d often dig a pit and tie up a pig as bait then lower a cage from above. Other tactics like using horses to circle their prey was used. These beasts would fetch big dollars to these hunters and their teams, making it a very lucrative business for them.

9. Whipping Boy
A whipping boy was a boy brought in to receive punishment when a young prince was misbehaving. The whipping boy could be from any background whether it be a higher society child to an orphan. The idea is that once a strong emotional bond between the prince and the boy was formed that boy could be used to correct the young prince’s wrong doings. If there wasn’t a strong emotional bond the whipping boy wouldn’t be effective in punishing the young prince. Receiving the crack of a whip was a small price to pay for some whipping boys as the pain didn’t last all that long and in exchange whipping boys received benefits of Royal Kingdom like higher education and food to eat.

8. Worm Grunting
A worm Grunter is someone who gets up at the crack of dawn, pounds a stake into the ground called a stab and grinds a 10 lb flat iron against it which creates a vibration. If done correctly that vibration will draw worms out of the ground. The reason this works is that grinding the iron on the wood mimics the vibration created by a mole digging in the ground. Moles hunt and eat earthworms so when they feel this vibration they quickly surface where the mole won’t catch them.

7. Knocker up
Before the alarm clock was invented a person called a Knocker up was hired to go from house to house tapping on the windows by hand or shooting peas at it to wake people up for their appointments. People living in apartment buildings would write the time they wanted to be woken up on a slate slab outside the window.

6. Rat Catcher
Back in old times rats carried disease which made them a major problem to have around. People called rat catchers were hired to spend their day catching the critters. During 18th century Great Britain gray rats a much larger more ferocious rat then the black rat thrived during those times. Most of the rat catchers were people in poverty who live among the rats and made their living killing the creatures that burdened them in the night. Rat catchers were paid for every dead rat they brought in but there were professional rat catchers too. Jack Black was the best of the best and the designated rat catchers for queen Victoria.

5. Crossing Sweeper
The job of crossing Sweeper is a simple but weird job. The Sweeper would be stationed at a street corner and sweep away any horse manure or dirt that would be in the path. A crossing Sweeper would clear the path for payment.

4. Resurrectionist
In 19th century Great Britain there became a surge of demand for corpses for medical research and study. The resurrectionist was someone who stole freshly deceased bodies from graves and would in turn sell them for big cash to doctors.

3. Mummy Unroller
A mummy Unroller is someone who bought mummies and unrolled them for a viewing audience. The Egyptomania craze when through Europe in the early 1800s. Snowmen like Thomas Pettigrew because wealthy and famous for his mummy unrolling shows. He would start to unroll the mummy tease the audience and draw out the suspense as long as possible.

2.Groom of the Stool
This privileged job of early modern England was one that was to assist the king going to the bathroom. Royalty back in 1650 were too important to do such a dirty job.

1.Anthropomorphic Taxidermist
Not only did these people stuff dead animals but would set up different scenes like guinea pigs playing cricket, squirrels eating dinner, squirrel boxing, toads playing on a swingset and kittens drinking tea. Walter Potter was the most well known anthropomorphic Taxidermist.

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Rallying the Defense:

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