Top 10 LONGEST Bridges on Earth

7 years ago

10. Hangzhou Bay Bridge, China
The Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened on May 1st, 2008 making it the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world. It spans 22 miles or 35 km in length which took 4 years to complete. The bridge connects Ningbo’s Cixi to Jiaxing. This highway bridge features a cabled-stayed portion in the middle which was chosen to endure, earthquakes and typhoons that can occur in the region. The completion of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge reduced a trip from Ningbo to Shanghai by 112 mi or 180 km and reduced the time traveled by 2 hours. The challenging design of the bridge required over 600 experts a decade to design. Offshore construction, turbulent waters, and pockets of underground methane are just a few of the construction obstacles faced by engineers during this project. Half way across the bridge is a manmade island called Land between the Sea and the Sky which houses shopping, parking, restaurants and a hotel.

9. Yangcun Bridge, China
Opened in August, 2008 the Yungcan Bridge completed the Beijing Tianjin Intercity Railway. This high speed rail only bridge connects the 73 mile or 117 km path between Beijing and Tianjin. The bridge itself measure 22 miles or 35 km in length just as the previous bridge but this one is just 650 feet or 200 meters longer. The building of this bridge reduced the time between northern China’s two largest cities from 70 to 30 minutes.

8. Manchac Swamp Bridge, USA
The Manchac Swamp Bridge carries Interstate 55 almost 23 miles or 36.7km over Lake Maurepas in the southern US state of Louisiana. This 4 lane bridge spans ⅓ of the highway’s total distance is over water. It cost 7 million dollars per mile to build the bridge, piles were driven 250 feet, 76 meters into the swamp floor to make sure it was stable. An impressive feat of engineering this bridge opened in 1979 and features a Twin concrete trestle bridge design which took 120,000 ft or 36,000 meters of concrete to complete its construction.

7. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, USA
The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Bridge also in Louisiana runs a total distance of 23.8 miles or 38.4 km. This 4 lane bridge completed its first round of construction in 1956 being the southbound section and in 1969 the northbound section was complete. The idea for this bridge has been around since the 19th century, in the 1920s an idea for a long bridge hopping across multiple islands was proposed. In the 1930s a ferry service opened up and by 1948 a concrete plan was devised to build the Lake Pontchartain Causeway.

6. Beijing Grand Bridge, China
Completed in 2010, the Beijing Grand Bridge opened in 2011 and spans 29.9 miles or 48 km between Beijing and Langfang. This bridge is a high speed rail bridge or classified as a railway viaduct bridge that floats over the surface of the ground. The longest span on this bridge measures 354 feet or 108 meters.

5. Bang Na, Highway, Thailand
The Bang Na, Highway in Thailand or officially known as Burapha Withi Expressway is a 6 lane mega toll bridge that floats up off the ground. It is considered to be an elevated viaduct with average spans of 138 feet or 42 meters.

4. Weinan Weihe Grand Bridge, China
Yet another bridge in China, ya they like they’re large bridges, the Weinan Weihe Grand Bridge is a part of the Zhengzhou-Xi’an High-Speed Railway. This railway connects Zhengzhou and Xi’an in China. The bridge is 49.5 miles or 79.6 km which crosses the Wei River twice as well as the Luofu River, Shidi River, Xi River, Ling River as well as highways and other railways.

3. Tianjin Grand Bridge, China
Another railway viaduct bridge on this list the Tianjin Grand Bridge in China runs between Langfang and Qingxian which is also a part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. This monstrous bridge measures 70.6 miles or 113.6 km.

2. Changhua-Kaohsiung, Rail, Taiwan
The Changhua-Kaohsiung Viaduct is the world’s 2nd longest bridge which was completed in 2007. It spans 97.8 miles or 157 km from Baguashan in Changhua County to Zuoying in Kaohsiung.

1. Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge, China
The grand daddy of them all, the longest bridge in the world, currently is the Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge just outside of Shanghi, China. The route was completed in 2010 and opened in 2011 after a 5 year construction period. It took 10,000 people and cost $8.5 billion to build this 102.4 mile or 168.6 km bridge.This bridge travels across both land and water and roughly parallel to the Yangtze River.

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