Episode 78- The Power of Journaling

3 years ago

There is a long list of benefits that the power of journaling can bring to our lives, including heightened self-awareness, better communication with ourselves and others, clarification of our priorities, better organization, and improved emotional, spiritual and physical health! In this podcast, learn about the main differences between a journaling practice that brings the most of those benefits and journaling practices that cause you to miss out on them!

Journaling is a powerful practice, but many people don't know where to start! Head over to the added value insight, "Self-Revealing Journaling Techniques" for a summary of 10 powerful ways you can integrate writing into your daily schedule starting today!

Self-Revealing Journaling Techniques

OIC In A New Way- Writing Has the Power to Help You Heal

OIC Podcast- Reaching Your Goals

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Wings by Nicolai Heidlas Music

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/micCVSc4KG0

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