Super Blue Blood Moon

7 years ago

Early, on January 31st was this in the sky. The super blue blood moon, cryptic name but it’s not so scary. The super blue blood moon is the result a combination of multiple events at once. The mix of a super moon, blue and a blood moon together produce the super blue blood moon.

Breaking this down further a super moon, which is when the moon is as close as possible to earth with a full moon appearing 17% larger than normal. A blue moon, is when there are two full moons within a month. Dust and smoke particles slightly larger than 0.7 microns fill the atmosphere tinting the moon blue. The blood moon is when a lunar eclipse occurs resulting with the sun, earth and the moon are perfectly aligned with the earth being in the middle.

The last time a super blue blood moon has happened in the western hemisphere was 1866. You might say this event happens once in a blue moon, but it’s much more rare than that.

On the west coast of north america the event took place between 4:47 am and 6:07 am.

The best view of this event took place in hawaii, alaska and australia as they were in the full eclipse zone. Sadly most of Africa, South America and most of western Europe missed out on this one.

This moon sighting was like no other, it was expected at the height of the event the moon would turn solid red, which it did but only depending where you were located. NASA captured this view of it having a splash of blue light remained on top of the moon the whole way through. I unique event indeed, let us know in the comment below if you saw it and if worldly events like this excite you.

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