Encyclopedia Prehistorica Mega-Beasts Pop-Up Book by Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart

7 years ago

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Encyclopedia Prehistorica Mega-Beasts Pop-Up Hardcover – May 8, 2007
by Robert Sabuda (Author, Illustrator),‎ Matthew Reinhart (Author, Illustrator)

Lions and tigers and bears. . . . Stand back for a beast of a pop-up!

Within these dynamic pages lurk fearsome saber-toothed cats, bears taller than basketball hoops, and everyone’s favorite Ice Age giant — the woolly mammoth. Prehistoric Yeti-like mammals, now-extinct birds, and giant flying lizards all come alive in a showcase featuring more than thirty-five astonishing pop-ups. In this third and final volume of the best-selling Encyclopedia Prehistorica series, 3-D masters Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart tackle the titans of the ancient world, awing us with a humbling close-up look at some startling mega-beasts that preceded us on planet Earth.

Completing the nonfiction trilogy begun with Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs (2005) and Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Sharks and Other Sea Monsters (2006), this book presents information and pop-up illustrations of other prehistoric beasts, from pterosaurs to woolly mammoths. Thick with layers of carefully painted, cut, folded, and glued papers, the book is designed to amaze, and so it does, with animals springing forward as their pages are opened. Besides the large pop-ups on the six double-page spreads, many small gatefold pages open out to reveal their own surprises. The cleverly designed and beautifully crafted illustrations move in and out without a hitch. Despite the text's relatively high reading level, with often lengthy sentences and multisyllabic words, there are no source notes or index. Take this for what it is: a fine collection of moveable paper sculptures bolstered with miscellaneous information. More to the point, it's a young browser's delight. Phelan, Carolyn

About the Author
Robert Sabuda is the co-creator of the first two books in the Encyclopedia Prehistorica series, DINOSAURS and SHARKS AND OTHER SEA MONSTERS. He is also the creator of many other stunning bestselling pop-up books, including AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL, ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND, and THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ. Robert Sabuda lives in New York City.

Matthew Reinhart is the co-creator of DINOSAURS and SHARKS AND OTHER SEA MONSTERS, volumes one and two of the Encyclopedia Prehistorica series. He has also created many other award-winning pop-up books, including CINDERELLA, THE POP-UP BOOK OF PHOBIAS, and ANIMAL POPPOSITES. He lives in New York City.

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