Tree Moving Machine!

7 years ago

Did you know there is a specialized vehicle that can dig up and move trees with ease? On this episode we bring you the tree moving machine.

The 100 inch Truck Spade is a specialized truck designed to dig up and move trees. How the truck works, there are 4 blades that are wrapped around the tree, the doors are closed around it and the spades are plunged into the ground. They stagger the blades going into the ground then pull the tree right out. The spades and the tree are folded sideways onto the back of the truck at which it is transported to it’s new location. Once the tree is planted in it’s new location it should be staked and tied 2 directions to give it some stability. The soil of the new location should ideally be the same ph and have similar drainage as the old location. The transplanted tree will have a good chance of surviving if cared for properly but it isn’t certain. This is because a transplanted tree will have a lot of it’s smaller root structure cut off so there is some risk the tree won’t take to the new location.

Now you are probably wondering, what does it cost to move a tree? 8 - 12 foot trees range from $200 - $1200, typically transplanting trees cost $15 - $25 / foot. Now transplanting really old trees is possible as well big trees but can cost upwards of $50,000. If you could transplant any tree to where you live, what would it be? I’m going to go with yellow mangosteen tree as they can take up to 20 years to fruit. Let us know if you’ve ever seen a machine like this before, consider subscribing and until the next one have a good one.


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