Do you like my cap? What is BCI? Thomas Gerlach wears his Brain-Computer Interface Cap.

2 years ago

Tech Expert, Thomas Gerlach, MBA is wearing his BCI Cap. These caps or headsets allow you to visualize and record your brainwaves in real-time! Harness your brainwaves to control a wide range of devices! A brain-computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a brain-machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain's electrical activity and an external device, most commonly a computer or robotic limb. BCIs are often directed at researching, mapping, assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions. Implementations of BCIs range from non-invasive (EEG, MEG, EOG, MRI) and partially invasive (ECoG and endovascular) to invasive (microelectrode array), based on how close electrodes get to brain tissue.
Talixa Software & Service, LLC. provides software development and technical services for businesses. We have experience developing cloud, mobile, and desktop software as well as in hardware prototyping, artificial intelligence research & development, social media, penetration testing, and desktop support. In short, we can provide services to empower your business to achieve greater success through technology.
Thomas Gerlach has over 20 years of experience in programming, web development, system and network administration, artificial intelligence, hardware prototyping, security, project management, and social media. He holds numerous IT certifications and has an MBA in Information Technology Management.

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