Sharpening Steel with a Forge and Anvil

6 years ago

Learning how to sharpen steel picks with a forge, anvil and some old time blacksmithing wisdom. Today my wife's grandfather, Papa Lynn, shows me the ins and outs of this old time method of sharpening and tempering heavy steel hand tools like picks, digger bars, etc,.

For those that don't know, my wife's family originally homesteaded in this area over 100 years ago and still remain. They lived off the land, mined, farmed, ran cattle and a host of other things to make ends meet over the years. They are a wonderful family and have a rich history in the area. I'm very blessed to have married into this wonderful bunch of folks!

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for watching! Joe

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Music sourced from the Youtube audio library and from credits as follows....

You set my world on fire - by Loving Caliber (instrumental version ) Epidemic Sound (license/subscription via partnership with Studio71)

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homesteadonomics, homesteading, blacksmithing, anvil, tempering, steel, forge

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