Uakari | World's Weirdest Animals

6 years ago


This monkey that looks like a mix of a balding grandpa and chewbacca is not your average mammal. Native to the lush tropical rainforests of south america, they stay reside among wet parts of the jungle closest to water most specifically along the Amazon River Basin through Brazil, Peru and southern Columbia. A unique face as well as name is thought to be derived from indigenous languages. Their iconic red face ranges from a deep red to light pink. It’s still unknown the reason behind the bright colored face. Within the Uakari there are 4 different species:
-black headed
-ayres black
While similar in size and basic appearance, differences can be found in their fur color and placement of fur. Their coat can come in black, brown, red and white. On this video we’ll be featuring mainly only the bald headed uakari as it’s the only one with proper footage.

These little monkeys measure almost up to 2 feet or 57 inches tall and weight in around 7 ½ lbs or 3.5 kg. Their omnivorous diet consists of a small amount of leaves and insects with fruit being their primary source of food. These monkeys live in troops of 10 to 30 members but some can be as big as 100. They live at the top of the trees swinging around from tree to tree with their strong limbs. Their short tails provide little to no value in their day to day life as side from small amounts of balance. If food is scare they’ll come down on to the forest floor to scrounge up some roots, seeds or lizards. While on the ground they move around quite efficiently on all fours. Visits to the forest floor put them in danger of their biggest predator, birds of prey. Other monkeys, tree dwelling snakes and and indigenous humans are all major threats as well. While maybe gross to us the indigenous people of the amazon will hunt and eat these red faced monkeys. They catch them by hitting them with poison tipped darts.

The Uakari have a getaway ability that can get them out of sticky situations in a snap. Their muscular legs allow them to jump up to 65 feet or 20 meters in a single bound. That’s like jumping the distance of 2 ½ of london’s double decker buses. The uakari have a long lifespan compared to many other mammals, they can live up to 22 years old. Their overall health can easily be identified by the color of their face, their skin become more pale as their health deteriorates. It it well known that the uakari in the wild are healthier and have darker richer colored faces than ones held in captivity in zoos.



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