15 Surprising Facts: Mongolia

6 years ago

Mongolia a country made famous by Genghis Khan has other secrets you probably don’t know. On this episode, we count down 15 surprising facts about Mongolia.

-Ulaanbaatar the capital of Mongolia with a population of 1.3 million people translates to ‘red hero’. This city was renamed this after Damdin Sukhbaatar led the army that liberated Mongolia from Chinese occupation with the Soviet Red Army.

-Just outside the capital, is the world’s tallest statue of a horse. This statue feature Genghis Khan on a horse which 131 feet or 40 meters tall. It cost 4.1 million dollars to build and was completed in 2008.

-Mongolia is the 18th largest country in the world measuring 603,909 square miles or 1,564,117 sq km in size.

-This country is home to the only remaining nomads of the world of which 30% of them herd over 50 million animals.

-Mongolia has the lowest population density country in the world. Even with the country’s total population of 3 million people, the density works out to be 1.2 people per sq mile or 2 people per sq km.

-Mongolia was once called Outer Mongolia. The country used to be apart of China, inner Mongolia, which is still apart of China and Outer Mongolia were controlled by China but had their own culture. They lacked the power to become their own nation but after the second world war Joseph Stalin requested and made a deal to release Outer Mongolia as its own country.

-2nd largest landlocked country after Kazakhstan “very nice!”. Russia and China border Mongolia on the north and south.

-The invention of ice cream came from Mongolia. It is believed that over 700 years ago Mongolian horsemen carried containers of cream in winter as they rode across the Gobi desert. They’d shake these containers creating the first form of ice cream.

-There are more sheep than people in Mongolia, they outnumber people so much that it’s at a rate of 35 sheep for every 1 person. Sheep aren’t the only animal that is more abundant than humans. Horses outnumber people 13 to 1 in Mongolia.

Snow leopards live in Mongolia, in fact ⅓ of the world’s population lives within their borders.

-Mongolia has a native species of camel called Bactrian camel which is a 2 humped camel. There are roughly 2 million of these camels that have evolved to endure the heat and cold of Mongolia’s diverse climate.

-The people of Mongolia have a unique type of singing called throat singing which allows them to make 2 sounds in their throat at the same time.

-While it may be cold much of the year Mongolia gets on average 266 sunny days a year which has made it known as “Land of the Blue Sky”

-A round sturdy tent like structure called yurts are traditional living quarters for the people of Mongolia. They were originally constructed with wood bamboo poles and animal hides. The wood used to build these had to be obtained from valley below the treeless steppes of Mongolia.

-Mongolia has a Buddhist monastery that was built 1586 called Erdene Zuu Monastery which is the oldest in the country.

-Mongolia was accepted as a nation by the United Nations in 1961 but this recognition wasn’t shared by all nations. Over 100 countries wouldn’t accept Mongolia as a nation until 1987.


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