What Is Bypassing A Zone On A Security System?

6 years ago

In this video, Dylan shows viewers how to bypass zones on Honeywell Alarm Systems. A bypassed zone will remain inactive while the rest of the security system is armed. This way, a user can still arm their panel if sensors are faulted, or if they don't want certain zones to trigger a system response.

A user will usually bypass a zone if a sensor is troubled or faulted and they want to arm the rest of their system. This is important because the system would not be able to go into an armed state with the sensors in that condition. By taking this action, the other sensors used with the system will still respond as normal. But any bypassed zones will not be able to cause alarms. So if a user has a troubled or faulted sensor and they don't have the time or don't want to clear the condition, bypassing a zone can be a viable option. An example could be that a user wants to arm their system, while still leaving their side garage door accessible. That way, they can continue to go through their side garage door to grab tools while the other system zones are armed.

If a user couldn't bypass zones, then they would have to go through a lengthy and annoying process instead. In order to achieve the same action as bypassing a zone, a user would have to go into programming, locate the zone they want to remain inactive and delete the zone from the panel. Then when they want to use that zone again, they would have to go back into programming, learn in the sensor and configure the zone settings. But by bypassing, the user will just need to un-bypass the zone later when they want to use it. In order to bypass zones, a user may need to provide the Master Code for the system. Bypassing zones can also be accomplished from the Total Connect 2.0 service.

Note: In addition to not needing to bypass a fire zone to arm the system, a user cannot bypass fire zones. The system will not allow it.


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