I Planted a WASABI PLANT!?

6 years ago

Azomite: https://amzn.to/2MzYjWf

Planting Wasabi, Fig Tree and Peppers:

On the previous episdoe I edged my garden and tackled the weeds, on this episode I plant wasabi, a fig tree and peppers.

Walking through a local plant nursery I noticed they had a couple of wasabi plants for sale. A rare and unique find I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Wasabi is known for being one of the hardest plants to grow commercially as it has very specific moisture requirements. Commercial greenhouses actually grow them in water with no soil, knowing this I knew the perfect spot to plant it in my yard. I have a patch of ground on the north side of my house that never sees sun and is always damp. After a simple hole is dug and the wasabi is in the ground it’s time to plant the fig.

For the fig I waited until the end of the day to see where the sun’s light would hit the ground. Ideally the more light you can give the fig the better, this fig tree doesn’t grow very tall, something like 8 feet. After digging the hole, I mixed together some worm castings, azomite or rock dust which is linked below and compost as the nutrient rich soil that would start this tree off right.

Next I put peppers in the ground in front of my tomatoes. Here I’m planting a mixture of bell, sweet and hot peppers. Looking back the tomatoes overwhelmed my peppers and shouldn’t have planted them here. Tomatoes are ruthless space hogs and ended up crowding out the light for some of these peppers. With everything now in the ground future videos will be garden updates tracking the progress of the plants. If you enjoyed this video consider subscribing and have a great day.

#wasbi #figtree #peppers

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