Dead Fantasy 03 (Alternate)

3 years ago

(This was made in SFM)
First of all. You may notice that I posted a small portion of this fight in a previous video. because this was originally a challenge from Project Rose to reanimate an exact scene from Dead fantasy and then add original choreography to match the style and also improve in the knowledge of how Monty Animated fights. that was 6 months ago.

Why I started the Project:
A couple weeks ago while I was incredibly demotivated to finish one project, I decided to just chillax and work on something I truly wanted to do. and ended up adding more choreography to this project. However this was also around the time I started obsessing over K-pop songs and created an entire Playlist that I would listen to while working on this. I think my K-pop playlist is part of the reason I finished this in only a couple weeks. it could also be because this is the first project I had not edited everything (including SFX) on my phone. yeah I know, literally every single animation I have ever done prior to this one was edited and uploaded on my phone. I am using Blender's video editing feature now, because it is free and easy.

The details of the fight:
Basically the gist of this fight is, Tifa and Hitomi are brought to some sort of coliseum. the camera pans down from the giant hole in the ceiling they fell through. Tifa get's her ass handed to her by Hitomi. and then the Shinobi ninjas show up, however Hayate does not accompany them this time. When the ninjas check where Tifa's body was thrown in order to retrieve her. They find Tifa is gone. If I make more you can expect the same story to be used, it would just play out differently. which would be why it is called "Alternate".

Asset issues:
I might make more like I said. I just need more models and assets. The ninjas for this were just altered versions of Hayabusa, because I couldn't find any normal ninja models. so don't look to far into it or you will question why there are 8 black Hayabusa characters just sitting there. Tifa's hair was a big problem. the wiggle bones were absolutely garbage, so I had to fix some of that. it still looks unnatural but I don't care to fix it all. SFX were found on Sound Resource. mostly Dead or Alive and Metroid SFX ripped from the game. I also have to mention that I was gonna tone down the fire particles, however it was so much of a hassle I decided to scrap that idea. there were only a few scenes it bothered me.

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